
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

On the opposing side

We walk on the opposing sides
of one same street,
We are parallel lines
that shall never meet,
I want to reach out my hand
and touch your wavering heart
but you take a step back
and I lose my chance.

I try to call out your name,
to ask you to stay,
"Don't move away,
I'm coming your way",
you smile at me
from the opposing street
Did you hear it?

We stand on opposing sides
of one pedestrian crossing,
Are you waiting for me?

But the light turns green
and you just walk pass me,
and we are now once more
opposing lines 
of a single railway. 

Orbiting around each other
but never ever meeting,
Can I satisfy myself
by walking the same rail
unable to reach you?

What does it take
for you to turn around
and look my way?
You don't have to move,
I will walk to you,
You just have to wait.

I will touch your soul
a sunflower a day,
for you are the sun
I revolve around.

If you take my message
you don't have to come,
just wait a bit,
I will run to you.

From opposing sides
of one same street
if I reach out to you

Will you wait for me?

-Inspirado en "Falling for Innocence"-

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